

Cuando el usuario abre un fichero, GO2dental detecta la morfología del elemento dental. Es analizado y si es necesario se crea automáticamente la geometria.

  • Para Coronas&Puentes: líneas de margen, inserción de ejes, cavidades y puentes son detectados
  • Implantación de Puentes: insercción de ejes, reconocimiento de agujeros (ejes, diámetros y profundidad).
  • Prótesis extraibles: ganchos y sujeciones

Technical Specifications

  • Data open
Direct opening of STL files or opening dental native CAD files.
GO2dental retrieve various information, such as the margin line, recognition of holes, insertion axis, connection feature

  • Multiple and automatic management of dental elements
Now, you can import multiples dental files simultaneously. (NEW FUNCTION V5.13)
Select in your library, your folder that you want to be machined.
After choosing element type as “crown”, “coping” or “inlay”, GO2dental will place automatically your dental element in the blank, and create automatically the connectors.

     -    Saves times because you use multi-threading technology
     -    Optimized positioning in the blank
     -    Powerful 5-axis toolpath

  • Machining of plaster models
     -    Precursor of dental CAM software for machining plaster models.
     -    3 types of elements: model - antagonist – stump/die
     -    Margin line recognition, recognition of holes, recognition of flat surfaces

  • Implantology : abutment, implant bar, implant bridge,
GO2dental allows you to manage all elements of implantology.

     -    Automatic import files with recovery of the geometry
     -    Recognition of holes
     -    Ability to change the type of connection via a database library that can be created easily
     -    Appropriate strategies for machining Titanium and Cobalt Chrome
     -    Powerful 5-axis toolpath

  • Specific processes: partial removable denture, orthodontics,…
GO2dental manages specific machining processes, such as partial removable denture, nightbite, overpress…
For removable dentures: automatic recognition and creation of geometry for clapses and grids.
These elements have many undercut areas, that they require machining 5-axis toolpath.

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